Injectable Dbol

When Dianabol is mentioned, almost always we instantly think of this little oral steroid tablet, but injectable Dbol is available. At one time, the injectable Dbol brand Reforvit-b was in high supply and demand; a Mexican made Methandrostenolone compound with an attached b-vitamin. Without question, this is the most well-known injectable Dbol, but there are a few underground labs (UGL's) who also make the product under their own name, but they are not as common as they used to be. As we'll see, injectable Dbol has a couple of strong disadvantages compared to its oral counterpart; however, it carries a few massive disadvantages. At any rate, this can be a fine product, and the traits and benefits as well as the side-effects in an overall sense will be the same as the tablet form. With this in mind, let's take a look at the injectable form and discover what you need to know.

Foundational Info:

Like its oral counterpart, injectable Dbol is a testosterone derived anabolic steroid with an anabolic rating of 210 and an androgenic rating of 60. A heavily aromatizing steroid, the use of an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) is commonly advised; otherwise, gynecomastia, water retention and blood pressure issues may get out of hand. Perfect for promoting mass and strength, this is a rapidly fast acting steroid; in-fact, while the tablet is already extremely fast acting the injectable form is even more so. This means rapid buildups in mass and strength can be had; however, as is with the tablet form it's not going to be given to you. This is something that's hard for many people to get their heads around; they assume if they supplement with an anabolic steroid the magic is going to happen all on its own; sorry, there is nothing magical going on. Steroids and this includes injectable Dbol are only meant to enhance what you're already doing right, and without this you won't get very far.

The Advantages of Liquid Dbol:

All Dianabol, and this goes for the tablet and injectable form belong to the C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) family, and this means this is a steroid that carries a hepatotoxic nature. This is a very common trait for oral steroids to carry, oral Primobolan and Proviron being the exception, but it is a rare trait for an injectable steroid to carry; injectable Dbol and Winstrol Depot being the exceptions. At any rate, while both forms of Dianabol are C17-aa steroids, the hepatotoxic nature of the injectable form is significantly less; this is a boast Winstrol Depot cannot make, not at this significant level. As it is less toxic, this means it will not burden the liver with as much stress, and that means a healthier you. Of course, it still carries a hepatotoxic nature, and on that basis responsible use is a must.

Then we have potency, and injectable Dbol is more potent on a per milligram basis than the oral form; plus, it's a little faster acting. This means you'll get more bang for your buck with less Methandrostenolone when you choose the injectable form, and you'll enjoy the already extremely fast benefits even faster. Sounds pretty good doesn't it? Well, unfortunately, injectable Dbol also comes with disadvantages, two specifically and one of them can be a massive problem.

The Disadvantages of Injectable Dbol:


The primary disadvantage if injectable Dbol is its purity; this one of the most commonly bacteria infested anabolic steroids on the market. This is a serious problem when it occurs; after all, a contaminated product, even if it's accurately dosed and actually Dianabol will lead to an infection. An infection could mean a severely irritated injection site or even a full-blown abscess, and none of that equates to successful supplementation. Understand this here and now; anabolic steroids are not supposed to hurt; they're not supposed to leave you sore and in pain, and they are most certainly not supposed to lead to an abscess.

The next problem with injectable Dbol is simply its administration; as an anabolic steroid that carries a tremendously short active half-life, you will need to inject this compound on a daily basis; some even inject it twice a day. Nevertheless, you could possibly get by with one injection on an every other day basis, but if you're going to maintain peaked levels of the hormone you'll find every day works best. At any rate, if your product is contaminated, this is going to leave you in a lot of pain.

The Bottom Line:

Injectable Dbol can be a fine product, and based on the significantly lessened hepatotoxic nature than its oral counterpart it is worth your time and attention if this is a steroid you desire to use. Even so, you are going to have to put in a good bit of effort as it pertains to finding a quality product; perhaps more so than with many anabolic steroids. By no means should you buy this product from the first person offering, this is a fantastic way to walk face first into trouble, but if you put in the effort you can find a quality product, and that's the bottom line.