Dbol Reviews

Dianabol is one of the most highly desired anabolic steroids on the market, and luckily it's one of the most affordable with a seemingly endless supply. Of course, there are hundreds and hundreds of brands on the market, and to find the right brand, a quality brand you need a quality Dbol review. Unfortunately, many of the Dbol reviews you'll come across are worth about as much as a flaming pile of crap, and when you consider their origin it shouldn't be too surprising. Many Dbol reviews are written and provided by suppliers and manufacturers; it's like getting a car review from the automobile manufacturer of the car you're looking at; of course they're going to sing its praises. What's worse is when you find a supposed independent review; this can be common on specific steroid related message boards. On such boards, you'll find Dbol reviews that are supposed to be independent, but the manufacturer in question is a board sponsor or maybe even unbeknownst to you the owner of the message board. Of course, Dbol reviews of this nature are often distorted, and once again you're left standing in ignorance unsure of which way to turn.

Then we have another type of Dbol review, and believe it or not these are the sneakiest of all. These types of reviews have nothing to do with a brand or supplier but the actual steroid themselves, and they are spun and contorted in such a way that without a watchful eye they'll fill your head with misinformation. U.S. backed health agencies and many U.S. health related websites with no direct government funding are notorious for this type of action, and it is quite sneaky. When you come across these types of Dbol reviews, they'll describe the steroid, they may even describe it perfectly, but they'll twist a few things around that throw the whole thing off, and they'll even add in impossible claims. What this means is you need to have an understanding of what Dbol is, what it can and cannot do before you ever venture into such a site. Of course, if you do have this understanding, you really want have a need for such a site; all you'll need are quality Dbol reviews revolving around the brands and suppliers.


As this is the case, you can find all the information you need on Dbol on this very site; the good, the bad and the ugly, it's all here, but on this page we are only concerned with a direct Dbol review; we are concerned with the brands. As this is our interest here today, we can tell you there are four top Dianabol brands worth mentioning, and they are as follows:

- Anabol - British Dispensary - Thailand
- Methandrostenolone - Akrihin - Russia
- Bionabol - Balkanpharma - Bulgaria
- Naposim - Terapia - Romania

Of these four brands, Anabol and Naposim's will always be your best choice, and here's why. First and foremost, Bionabol, while a fantastic Dianabol steroid is no longer manufactured; however, when it comes to counterfeits there are labs that supposedly sell it; they are lying to you. Bionabol has not been manufactured since 2005, and any of the last batches have long since expired back in 2009. As for the Russian brand manufactured by Akrihin, this is top notch Dianabol in every sense of the word; however, it's a little harder to find, and it's often a little on the pricy side; make no mistake, it's an excellent product, and if you can find it and afford it you can't go wrong. As for Anabol and Naposim, these two brands are the top two brands available in-regards to a high quality and affordable brand; not to mention they are both abundantly available. It should be noted; the 10mg Anabol tabs are counterfeited perhaps more so than any Dianabol tab on earth and this makes the 5mg tab your safest bet.

Then we have Underground Lab (UGL) capsules; high dose capsules such as those manufactured by IP or many of the other UGL's around the world. Right off the bat, we can tell you 99% of this stuff is garbage; it may not necessarily be fake, but most all of it is severely under-dosed, and sure, some of it is fake. This means if you're going to go with a UGL capsule, you better research the lab and supplier out with extra effort; otherwise you'll be wasting your money.

When it comes to a quality Dbol review, the above, this is it, and while there are a handful of UGL's we did not mention, if you believe their brand or line matches up to the top brands we mentioned please provide proof, and they'll be added to the list. The brands that have been added, they have been proven to be everything they're supposed to be, and that is why they're the best of the best.